House Hunting

You've done all the work to get to the point that you are ready to start looking at houses ----

  • You and your family have decided that now is the time to buy a house!
  • You sat down with your family and decided what is most important to you in a house!
  • You found the Buyer Agent you want to work with!
  • You went over the Buyer Agency Agreement with your Realtor and signed it!
  • You talked about the various agency relationships that are allowed in Virginia!


You are now ready to start the exciting stage of your house hunting journey! Armed with your Needs and Wants List, your Buyer Agent will most likely have you set up with a search in the Multiple Listing Service.  But you may also be driving around the area when the weather is nice, looking at houses and even some new home neighborhoods!

But there are a few things you need to keep in mind!

  • There is no "right" time to buy!  If you find the perfect home now, don't risk losing it because you're trying to guess where the housing market and interest rates are going.  Those factors don't usually change fast enough to make a difference in an individual home's price!
  • Don't try to be a killer negotiator!  Negotiation is definitely a part of the real estate process, but trying to "win" by getting an extra-low price or refusing to budge may cost you the home you love!
  • Accept that no house is perfect!  If it's in the right location, the yard may be a bit smaller than you had hoped.  The kitchen may be perfect but the roof needs repair.  Make a list of your top priorities and focus on the things that are most important to you.  Let the minor ones go.  Also, accept that a little buyer's remorse is inevitable and will most likely pass!
  • Remember, your house doesn't exist in a vacuum!  Don't get so caught up in the physical aspects of the house itself that you forget about the important issues such as noise level, access to amenities, and other aspects that also have a big impact on our quality of life!
  • Don't ask for too many opinions!  It's natural to want reassurance for such a big decision, but too many ideas from too many people will make it much harder to make a decision.  Focus on the wants and needs of the people who will actually be living in the home!

As a full time Realtor since 1996 I have worked with many home buyers over the years, so if you are thinking that now is the time to start a home buying journey, feel free to let me know - we can grab a cup of coffee and sit down and chat!


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